mandag den 24. oktober 2011

make it here, make it anywhere

Survival..  yeah – hard isn’t it… 
Well, right now, I miss home more than ever. And the thing I miss is not Denmark. No, it is a place to call home. After you’ve been screwed over by three different real estate agents, and got your hopes up for three different apartments you do in some way start to lose faith, not just in your self. But also in everything around you. Either way I love London more than any other city in the world! It saved my life. It made me. And the people I met here helped me get over everything that I’ve been told from where I’m from, all that shit I’ve been thru’. And if some of you guys read this I just want to tell you that I am forever thankful !  

First month, graduated bartender, everything went amazing. YAY… now I am looking for a job, and that is actually quite hard? Who would’ve thought, maybe all of you but since I’ve never had one it really backfires. But whatever. One more month have passed almost and after getting screwed over I am really considering my options at the moment, going back home or staying? My dream is of course to stay, never loved anything more than London.. really. But I can’t afford everything here right now. So maybe I have to go back home and work for awhile, where I don’t have to pay rent or anything. Well I fucking don’t know. (mom and dad if you’re reading this, that I rather stay here than go home, does not mean that I don’t love you, I do, HAHA) 

Soo… now I wanna stop the cheesiness and start telling you about some fucked up things I’ve experienced. And if you know me, you might know that random funny ass shit always happens around me, I don’t get it but its HAWT..

The most bizarre thing I’ve experienced is probably that a random guy thought I was a prostitute.. the story here starts at the hostel where I’m staying while looking for apartments and I was bored as shit here. Like always, so I thought to myself that I wanted to go for a walk long the river themes.. (weird I know, you’ll get used to it.) So I took my cigs and put my iPhone on shuffle and just listened to music, walking like I’ve ownd the fucking shit. There is two reasons why I went for that walk..

1. I wanted to get some fresh air and I was bored
2. I wanted to check the whole area out, not just where I stayed, but also like near the centre where we’re hitting the clubs, so I could see which bus-lines, and undergrounds I could take from there if I was shitfaced, alone and lost.

Anywaaaaaaay…. After walking for a while and didn’t wanna walk no more I sat down on a bench right next to the London eye, just hangin’. BUT then I got bored again so I decided to walk home and wanted to take another way home just again to be adventuress and find other ways to get home than just the regular one.. I came down this alley where there were no people just parked cars and apartment buildings.. but then this car pulls over right next to me, and asked me what my regular price was!!!? How much I was… I thought to myself, yeah I am not that broke and I don’t want to lose more dignity than I already had, and then I nicely replied: Sorry sir I don’t perform that kind of services. And he just drove away fast as hell, and I couldn’t stop laughing. And that is actually kinda sad, considered that I was alone…..

There is way more stories but I am tired and I don’t want get you all tired and bored after reading all this.. and I have one more thing to add to this blog so don’t wanna waste space and your time with all these boring stories.


Bring a mini umbrella everywhere you go. You never know with the weather in London city. The sun can be out, and you’re loving it, but then all of a sudden it just starts pissing down on you, and then you stand there – not dressed for the freaking situation, and no where to stand and stay dry. So the mini umbrella will get handy, trust me.

When you walk around.  I know you wanna walk around and play all badass hot stuff on your iPod/MP3 player in your ears listening to your favourite hot song, we all do. But just if you have the energy to make the effort, look up occasionally, check which lane you’ve picked, because in a big city like London everybody is feeling the same way about each other: “move the fuck out of my way, I’m to busy to consider you”.
Look ahead, make a decision where you want to go before you’re there, because when you suddenly have no idea where you are and you’ll be like: was it this street or the next one??  And you stop (which is okay if you’re used to minimized population) and you will and I can’t point this out strongly enough - get a shoulder or two, and worst case scenario maybe slip and fall and look like the biggest fool in the area. You will immediately get the “tourist-vibe” written all over you, no matter how fashionable you are dressed. 

The tube is an amazing way to get around. But you have to know that rush hour is really rush hour. That means you can stand in one station in rush hour with 1-20 trains passing by before you can get in, because of lack of space in the train. So plan ahead of your self. Now I haven’t lived in London for a long time and I am not at all an expert, but around 16:00-20:00’ish is rush hour. So if you have plans to get around, don’t just think that you can make your date/appointment etc. like you can home, with the feeling you just take the tube 10-15 minutes before you have to be where you have to be. That happens once out of a million..

If you are from another country and is in the same situation like me, which means your real estate agents screwed you over three times in a row, and is forced to do the unspeakable: live at a hostel for 1 month more than planned. When you go out, don’t play too hard to get, don’t care about your dignity, the contacts you get there might come in handy. For a situation I am in this evening. H O M E L E S S. no rooms available, and you have to pull an all nighter, and in the end your budget can’t take the huge amounts of Redbull you’re buying to keep alive and awake, so you can book in first thing in a shitty early hour. What I’m saying is not that you have to sleep with whoever and be this huge ass slut – be a little bit more flirtatious, it will make it easier to get another place to sleep for a night or two, just play the field – because in the end like me your dignity is long gone. So if you lose it in the beginning or the end doesn’t matter cus’ the only difference is that you might have possibilities if you were open to bring your a-game in the city every weekend from the start.

That’s all I have for now, sorry for boring you.    

Advice from the blog: Life is too short to be sad, embrace the facts and go from there.

Forever yours, peace out
x x x 

- T

torsdag den 1. september 2011

here today, gone tomorrow

Klokken er nu 00:56, og sidder herhjemme med mine kufferter pakket, mens min iPod spiller "Is there a Ghost by Band of Horses" og en nytændt prince K. Sidder her og prøver at få mit første blog indlæg til at give mening. Jeg tænker over hvad jeg vil skrive. Men de tanker jeg sidder med er meget svære at få ned på skrift. Jeg har afleveret noget til en, noget som kom fra hjertet og jeg kan ikke stoppe med at tænke på hvor forkert det er, hvor dum jeg er. Men man bliver nød til at tage chancer. Og for at citere end kendt forfatter: ikke at vove er at miste livet. 

Jeg flytter til London i morgen, for en stund. Det kan være alt for en måned til et år. Nu må vi se hvad tiden viser. Anyway, så er jeg meget glad for mit valg. Skal starte som professionel bartender derovre, via en bartender skole. Glæder mig helt vildt til at komme i gang! Men forsatan jeg kommer til at savne mange mennesker herhjemme. I ved hvem i er.

Jeg starter den her blog fordi jeg vil dele hele min oplevelse med dem jeg kender. Så håber der er nogen der vil følge med. Og skal nok prøve at ligge så meget ind som muligt. Billeder der vil holde tingene opdateret. Tiden kommer til at flyve af sted så nu skal jeg bare nyde det mest muligt mens jeg kan. Det hele. Glæder mig mest til de nye bekendtskaber. Og krydser fingre for jeg måske kan være heldig og skabe mig selv et bredt netværk. Tog derover for at blive bartender, måske ender jeg med at blive noget helt andet eller tredje?? Kort sagt: FUCK JEG GLÆDER MIG! 
ligegyldig info overhaler indenom: har tændt min anden prince K.

Puha, nu har iPod’en spillet en del sange og er endt på ”Den hele sandhed af Julie ft. Nik&Jay” ironisk? kan ikke uddybe nærmere på nuværende tidspunkt.. så nu vil jeg slutte dette indlæg med lidt lommefilosofi, og det tror jeg at jeg vil afslutte mine indlæg med hver gang, nogle af jer må ha’ det på samme måde… right? 

Der er sange som giver os lyst til at danse. Der er sange der giver os lyst til at synge med. Men de bedste sange er dem som bringer os tilbage til det øjeblik vi hørte dem første gang. Og endnu en gang, knuser vores hjerte.

 bloggens rådlev alle dage som var det din fødselsdag.)

Peace out  – T

Ps. takker Julie Asmussen for hjælp til at opsætte min blog.